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  • Prepare clients for an Instrument Proficiency Check. Knock the rust off in the simulator, pause to answer questions, and master your avionics before heading to the airplane.

  • Each session includes:

    - Guided prep work
    - 30 minute pre-brief
    - 1.5hr simulator session. 

    The course covers the following:
    - Basic Instrument Control
    - Departure and Arrivals
    - Non-Precision Approaches
    - Precision Approaches
    - Circling/Holding Procedures
    - Real ATC Radio Training
    - IMC Emergencies 
    - Top 5 Challenging Approaches 
    - Line Oriented Flight Training

  • Clients will be fully prepared to complete the instrument proficiency check in the aircraft in as little as one flight.

IPC Accelerator

Haven't flown instruments in a while? 

Do you need an IPC, or just want someone to take a second look at your instrument flying?

Our IPC accelerator course is made for you! 

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