Teach both the basics and advanced features of the Garmin G5 in either single or dual configuration
This course is tailored to both VFR and IFR pilots.
A 1-hour session with an experienced CFI.
Focus Areas
Default modes
Input changes
Airspeed presentation
Alt/VSI presentation
Navigation control
Clients will have a deeper understanding of the Garmin G5 and become used to the flight information presentation.

1-hour course: $115
The Garmin G5 provides general aviation pilots a significant increase in reliability and usability for both VFR and IFR operations.
Owners, clubs, and flight schools are rapidly replacing the vacuum systems in their aircraft with Dual G5 setups.
If you have never used a "glass" display before, then the G5 can take some getting used to.
Don't waste your money learning it in the airplane when you can use our true-to-life G5s in the simulator!
This course will get you up to speed quickly and ready to enjoy the new G5 in the aircraft you fly.