Keep your training on track
Don't let weather and maintenance cancellations stop your momentum. Sim when you can't fly.
Train with your equipment
The SG-1 can accurately replicate the specific tail your are training in for maximum learning.

Save on your training
Learn procedures in the simulator first and spend less money on aircraft rental.
Do more with your time
No pre-flights, post-flights, or flying to the practice area. Get right to what you need to work on.
Course Overview
Choose from up to 13 topics
No commitment or contract, signup for what you need when you need it!
Each session includes
- Instructional pre-brief
- Practical application in the simulator
- Detailed de-brief
Cost Savings Comparison
2.0 hours aircraft rental/lesson
- $180/hr = $360
1.5 hours of sim rental/lesson
- $55/hr = $82
Total Savings = $278/lesson!
Engine Failure Procedures
Practice engine failures in all different situations to get your procedures down cold.
Airfield Arrival Procedures
Practice arrivals at multiple different airports with repositioning to build pacing and pattern entry skills
Foreflight Basics
Learn how to master Foreflight while flying in a "heads down" safe environment
Crosswind Landings
Learn crosswind technique from the ground up
VOR/GPS Navigation
A simulator is truly the best way to learn GPS and VOR navigation. Learn it once for good.
Lost Procedures
Get truly lost in the simulator and learn/practice techniques to get yourself back on track.
Cross Country Procedures
Practice pilotage, dead reckoning, nav log, and ATC procedures on a sample cross country at 2x or 4x speed
In-Flight Diversions
Build confidence in your ability to divert to an unknown field for any reason
PPL Maneuver Master
Practice turns around a point, S turns, rectangular course, steep turns, and more with focus on proper setup
Night Flight Intro
Get familiar with all types of airfield lighting and practice navigating in darkness
Complex Airfield Ops
Practice departing and arriving from the nation's most complex class B airports without paying a landing fee!
Mock Checkride
Almost ready for the big day? Do a run through oral and flight portion with us and get a second opinion
Instrument Reference
The simulator excels at instrument training, get your instrument scan down fast!