What's your experience level?
Why Simulation?
We love airplanes, but they are terrible classrooms!
The fast-paced nature of flying leaves little time to focus on individual tasks.
Realistic and immersive flight simulation solves this problem,
that's why the professionals use it.
See below for just a few reasons why simulation
is an essential part of any pilot's training plan.
Make your training count
Behind the airplane? Confused? Pause the flight, look it up, move on.
No weather cancellations.
If the power is on, we train!
No pre-flights. Hop in the seat, takeoff!
Save Time
Set the exact conditions you want for training. Crosswinds? Low IFR?
Click, click, Done.
Control the Environment
Experience situations you would never actually practice in the plane.
Fail your engine and land in a field.
Do touch and go's at JFK.
Why not?
Expand Your Experience
Don't spend money flying to the practice area, or getting vectored for another approach. Zoom right there, get to training.
Save Money
Try Again
Correct mistakes on the spot by doing it again, right away.