Prepare clients for their commercial checkride by identifying any weak areas and reviewing important in-flight maneuvers.
A one-hour oral covering a variety of ACS topics with a CFI
One-hour of simulator training with a CFI.
Ground Portion
Credential Review
Logbook review
Sim Portion
Steep Spirals
Steep Turns
Eights on Pylons
Lazy Eights
Diversion Procedures
Emergency procedures
Clients will identify any areas for additional study and build confidence for their upcoming checkride.
3-hour course: $345
Almost ready to take your commercial checkride? Get a second opinion on your preparedness and fly a complete checkride profile in the simulator.
Your instructor has prepared you well, but second opinions are invaluable when it comes to checkrides and can help put you at ease before the big day.
This course combines a tabletop oral followed by a profile of your choosing in the simulator.