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  • Learn a systematic approach to in-flight diverts in VFR scenarios.

    You have probably demonstrated your ability to divert in the past in training or on a checkride, but it was likely to a somewhat familiar airfield close by your training area. This course will put you in multiple new situations where our recommended approach to diverts will make the process easy and predicatble.

  • A 1.5-hour session with an experienced CFI.

    Includes a 15 minute ground discussion prior to the simulator.

    Clients will receive the Solid Ground Aviation in-flight divert procedure for study prior to the course.

    Ground Prep

    • SGA divert procedure

    • Expedited descents

    • Traffic awareness

    • Rapid weather check


    The urgent bathroom break - Towered airfield​
    The airsick passenger - Non-towered airfield​
    Weather divert - Class B airfield​

  • Clients will be confident in their ability to divert to a nearby unfamiliar airfield in a safe and efficient manner.

1.5-hour course: $172

How quickly and safely could you divert to an unfamiliar airfield if you had to?

A pop-up storm, or air-sick passenger could represent a pressing situation to get the aircraft on the ground. Do you
have a process for doing that? Or would you just "wing" it?


Our in-flight divert course is designed to teach a systematic approach to diverts and provide challenging practice scenarios to build your confidence for the real thing!

In-Flight Diverts, VFR

In-flight divert map
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